Where is PHP located?
- The primary location of the Partial Hospital Program (PHP) is 4001 SW 13st – Gainesville, FL. 32608. If you are part of our PHP, then you will stay in one of our specially leased apartments nearby.
Do you conduct random drug screens?
- Use of non-prescription medications, illicit drugs or alcohol during your treatment is not acceptable. Use of these substances during your treatment interferes with your recovery and impacts the recovery of your peers. The interdisciplinary team will carefully review any occurrence to determine the outcome of such use. Drug screens are used in the program to help with accountability. Patients are subject to random screens and drug screens after a pass or an outside activity, at the discretion of the treatment team, or for cause. Diluted urine or the failure of a patient to submit to a drug screen is viewed as a positive drug screen. In addition, the physician may indicate that an observed urine specimen is warranted.
What are treatment hours?
- The Partial Hospitalization Program offers treatment seven days a week from 7:30 a.m. until the evening hours. Therapy will take place at the Florida Recovery Center and at Shands Vista. In phase one of treatment, passes to leave treatment are generally only granted for medical appointments, diagnostic tests and court appearances. Once a patient progresses to phase two, weekend passes to visit family and or significant others every other weekend may be granted by the patient’s therapist to help build a sober support network.
What should I wear?
- Dress is casual and appropriate for a community living setting. Provocative dress of any nature is prohibited. A general guideline is that clothing covers you from the shoulders to at least mid-thigh. Outer clothing must cover underwear. Shoes or slippers need to be worn for safety reasons. Clothing with alcohol, drug, violent, vulgar or sexual slogans is not permitted. Hats and sunglasses are not to be worn while indoors. Low-cut or see-through clothing is prohibited. There is a washer and dryer in each apartment. Recommended clothes include five changes of clothes including the following:
- Underwear and socks
- Clothes for the gym
- Slacks or jeans
- Shirts or blouses
- Walking shorts and appropriate t-shirts or sweat suits
- Comfortable walking shoes or sandal
What if I feel sick?
If you become sick after hours or on the weekend and feel you need to see a physician, you can call the Shands Vista west nurses station at (352) 265-5483 and ask them to page the physician on call.
If you are feeling sick during treatment program time, speak with your therapist. You will need to report any absence from activities in advance.
Medication, including over-the-counter medicine, that is not approved by your physician is not permitted. You may not share prescription or over-the-counter medication with others.
Will I have access to my car? What if I don’t have a car?
- Automobiles, if brought with you, may be parked at your own risk in the facility main lot. You may drive your vehicle only with the permission of the team. All drivers provide their own insurance for their vehicle. All non-drivers will carpool with drivers and will pay $20 – $25 per week to offset the cost of gas for drivers. Drivers can carry cell phones, but they should be used only in an emergency. Each patient is responsible for determining with whom they will ride and are responsible for being on time. You may not leave your car unattended in front of the hospital. This area is for emergency vehicles, transportation vans, and patient pick-up only, and vehicles will be towed.
Will I have access to my cell phone? Will I be able to make phone calls?
- Phone calls to and from friends and family are not permitted during the first week in treatment unless arranged by your therapist. The phone rules are based on the understanding that your primary focus needs to be on your treatment. Phone calls that create distractions (calls from work, daily calls from family members, etc.) are discouraged. The following rules apply:
- Calls daily to your sponsor
- Calls can be made to other members in recovery (your AA/NA support system)
- Calls to attorneys, banks, probation officers, etc. can be made from our office with the permission of your therapist or physician. Calls to family members are allowed for 20 minutes every other day.
- Drivers may carry cell phones in their vehicles for use in an emergency or to obtain/give instructions to others they transport. Senior peers may carry cell phones that are provided by FRC only. No personal cell phones are allowed without therapist approval.
Is smoking permitted?
- Smoking is considered hazardous to your health and the health of those who inhale secondhand smoke. There is no smoking at all on hospital or FRC property.
- No tobacco products are for sale in the facility, nor are smoking materials provided. We caution patients about loaning or giving away their own supplies, as they may not be replaceable. The use of smoking cessation products, such as a nicotine patch, can be discussed with the physician.
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